2017. január 29., vasárnap

HP38G Graphic Calculator, grafikus kalkulátor - Jelenlegi ára: 3 500 Ft

HP38G Garfikus Kalkulátor, teljesen új állapotban.
http: //www. hpcalc. org/hp38/programming/
Battery Type - 3 x AAA
Display - 8 line x 22 char. LCD
Entry system logic - Algebraic
Memory RAM/ROM - 32 KB, unlimited within available memory
Sample Std deviation/ mean/ weighted mean + Population standard
Built-in functions - Over 600
Customization Method - HP Solve
Statistical analysis - Multivariate/stat
Polar/ rectangular and angle conversions
Curve fit (LIN , LOG, EXP, POW)
Numeric integration/ Complex number functions
APLETS (built-in or added applications including Note and Sketch menus)
2D graphing functions with interactive graphics
Linear regression, combinations, permutations
Matrix operations, rectangular and polar
HPmatrix writer, row and column operations
Menus, prompts, alpha messages, softkeys
Built-in Notepad
Redefineable keyboard and menu keys
SUM x, SUM x 2, SUM y, SUM y 2, SUM xy
Trig., Hyperbolics, HPSolve (root finder)
https: //www. educalc. net/136382. page
Felhasznólói leírás:
http: //h10032. www1. hp. com/ctg/Manual/c00442257. pdf

Jelenlegi ára: 3 500 Ft
Az aukció vége: 2017-02-19 14:59 .

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